Welcome to the domain of all things Goth & Heavy Metal, From devoted goths to die-hard metal-heads. Awaken your Goths & Metalhead nature, and resonate with all things things gloom, doom, dark & spooky! Tear down the fashion trends of commercialism.. And lash out with your dark/morbid nature. Gives yourself the freedom to look the part, and feel more powerful, mysterious & shadowing. Below we put together a list of our favorite Goth and heavy metal contacts that can bring your look or statement to the next level. From Industrial metal -to- Deathrocker Goth, and Doom metal -to- Metalhead Goth. Whether headbanging from the crowd, singing on stage, moshing in a pit, or just lounging at a goth club — you’ll find FX contacts synergistic to your look. Don’t fall victim to others! Our FX contacts are high quality, FDA cleared, and a prescription verification process in place that’s ‘Eye Care Professional’ friendly.