There are around 30 different humanoid alien species catalogued, Many are our direct progenitors. This was revealed from classified documents, ufoligists, & whistle-blowers. Some investigators claim aliens may be us from the future. These higher conscious beings have powers way above and beyond what we can do. They can remote view, tap into dimensions beyond 5d, and travel & communicate through linear space/time trans-dimensionally by the speed of thought alone. On your next alien invasion, alien convention, ET party, or UFO space-flight; pay homage to your galactic family by slipping in some alien contact lenses. Many colors and styles for each alien race to pair with your favorite makeup or costume. From beautiful to eccentric, and angelic to out-right evil. Some fictitious, some real, but all equally fun. From custom made alien contacts for movies, theater, and SFX artists -to- economical versions for Halloween or fun.